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Showing records 211 through 240.

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Living in light of the 2nd Coming

8/28/2016 Ed Fleming  2nd Peter 3:10-18 

Justification by Faith ALONE

11/27/2016 Ed Fleming  2 Corinthians 5:21 

8/20/2017 Ed Fleming  Romans 3:21-26 

The Ascension of Jesus

6/1/2014 Ed Fleming  Acts 1:1-11 

Christ, Our Passover Lamb

5/10/2015 Ed Fleming  Exodus 12:1-28 

Jesus Heals a Blind Man

8/2/2015 Ed Fleming  John 9 

A Psalm of Messiah the Prince

9/14/2014 Ed Fleming  Psalm 2 


3/22/2014 Ed Fleming  Various 

Evangelism - Part 1

1/29/2017 Ed Fleming  Matthew 28:16-20 

Resurrection - The Sequel

5/11/2014 Ed Fleming  1 Cor. 15:1, 58 

True Christian Fellowship

1/21/2018 Ed Fleming  Philippians 1:5 

Ascension of Jesus Christ - A Day to Remember

4/21/2013 Ed Fleming   

Noah - Obeying Faith

9/3/2017 Ed Fleming  Hebrews 11:7 

Isaac, Jacob, Joseph - A Faith to Die With

9/17/2017 Ed Fleming  Hebrews 11:20-22 

Sure Footing in Times of Turmoil

5/1/2016 Ed Fleming  1st Peter 2:4-10 

Sacrifices Pleasing to God

11/5/2017 Ed Fleming  Hebrews 13:1-25 

2/28/2016 Ed Fleming  Matt. 28:16-20 

The Priority of Group Praying Pt. 2

1/26/2014 Ed Fleming  Acts 4:23-25 

Understanding and Applying the Message of Ecclesiastes

5/17/2015 Ed Fleming  Ecclesiastes 1 

A Cripple Feasting at the King's Table

4/2/2017 Ed Fleming  2 Samuel 9 

Introduction to the Gospel of John

5/31/2015 Ed Fleming  John 20:30-31 

Jesus' First Sign

6/14/2015 Ed Fleming  John 2 

A Ministry Mindset Change

9/25/2016 Ed Fleming  Matt. 28:18-20 

Dumb Christians

10/5/2014 Ed Fleming  2 Kings 7:9 

The Wonder of God's Salvation

12/22/2013 Ed Fleming  Romans 5:6-11 

Evangelism - Part 2

2/5/2017 Ed Fleming  Acts 20:17-27 

Worship: A vital pillar of our Church

10/6/2013 Ed Fleming  Isaiah 96 

Salvation the Biblical Way

11/29/2015 Ed Fleming  Hebrews 10:32-39 

Preparing to Die Well

3/19/2017 Ed Fleming  Psalm 90:12 

Renewed Comfort and Assurance in Times of Doubt

11/4/2018 Ed Fleming  Isaiah 49:13-16 

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Showing records 211 through 240.