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Showing records 151 through 180.

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Sunday School "Our Misunderstanding of Grace"

11/3/2019 Rod Conner  Matt. 20:1-16 

Sunday School

10/6/2019 Josh Bertsch   

Sunday School


Suffering to Bring Ones to Christ

6/12/2016 Bob Conrad  1st Peter 3:18 - 4:6 

Suffering of Christ

8/14/2016 Ed Fleming  Matthew 20:17-19 

Striving to Enter Rest and Warning Against Apostasy

6/4/2017 Don Foose  Hebrews 4:1-13; 5:1-6:12 

Staging God's Love Without Prejudice

2/24/2019 Gary Scott  James 2:1-13 

Staging God's Love with Patience

5/26/2019 Gary Scott  James 5:7-12 

Staging God's Love Under Pressure

2/10/2019 Gary Scott  James 1:1-18 

Staging God's Love Through Working Faith

3/17/2019 Gary Scott  James 3:14-26 

Staging God's Love Through Loving Intervention

7/14/2019 Gary Scott  James 5:19-20 

Staging God's Love in Prayer

6/30/2019 Gary Scott  James 5:12-20 

Staging God's Love by Tongue Taming

3/24/2019 Gary Scott  James 3:1-12 

Staging God's Love by the Book

2/17/2019 Gary Scott  James 1:19-27; Mark 4:9-20 

Staging God's Love as Lovers

4/7/2019   James 4:1-12 

Staging God's Love Around Peacemaking

3/31/2019 Gary Scott  James 3:13-18 

Staging God's Love Amid Contingencies

5/5/2019 Gary Scott  James 4:13-17 

Staging God's Love Against Consumerism

5/19/2019 Gary Scott  James 5:1-6 

Staging God's Love

1/13/2019 Gary Scott  1st John 4:1-21 

Spiritual Warefare

10/21/2018 Larry Theisen  Ephesians 6:10-20 

Some Reasons that Hard Things Happen to God's Children

11/30/2014 Bob Conrad  Various 

Small Groups

9/11/2016 Ed Fleming  Acts 2:42-47 

Seek the Things Above

2/3/2019 Tom Fillinger  Colossians 3:1-4 


3/22/2014 John Worrall  Various 

Salvation the Biblical Way

11/29/2015 Ed Fleming  Hebrews 10:32-39 

Salvation is by faith in Christ Alone

10/25/2020 Pastor Josh Bertsch  Galatians 2:1-10 

Sacrifices Pleasing to God

11/5/2017 Ed Fleming  Hebrews 13:1-25 


1/22/2017 John Bollten  Romans 12:1-2 

Run this life's race with confidence in the LORD

3/14/2021 Pastor Josh Bertsch  Galatians 5:7-12 

Run the Race: We are not Perfect Yet

6/14/2020 Pastor Josh Bertsch  Philippians 3:12-16 

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Showing records 151 through 180.