
Last updated on January 9, 2017

                                                        "WE REPORT, YOU DECIDE"

The purpose of Oakwood Foreign Missions Committee is to provide awareness, knowledge and resources for the congregation to be well versed on foreign missions and how God is working to further His kingdom.  We have four focus areas from which we report:
     1.  Pastoral Training
     2.  Foreign Missions
     3.  Missionaries supported by Oakwood Baptist Church
     4.  The Persecuted Church

Matthew 28:19-21
"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.  And behold, I am with you always to the end of age."

Pastoral Training
Several of Oakwood Baptist elders take time throughout the year to reach and teach in many parts of the world including:  Oquito, Ecaudor; Mongolia; India (many locations); Brazil; Cote d'Ivoire; Ghana and more. 

Most recently Pastor Dean Bertsch and his wife, Kathy visited Ecuador, a place that is beginning to feel like home for him.   For more information about Dean Bertch's ministry and life work, please email him directly at dean.bertsch@reachingandteaching.org

Foreign Missions
From Wycliffe Bible Translators to World Venture, from Global Outreach to Missions Door, from Cure International to Compassion International - there are so many missions minded, God centered organizations that work for one main purpose - to spread the love of Christ and ensure they reach as many people in the world who have not heard of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. 

World Venture
Missions Door
Wycliffe Bible Translators
International Missions Board (IMB)
Global Outreach International
Cure International
Compassion International
Wycliffe Associates
Reaching & Teaching

Missionaries supported by Oakwood Baptist Church
"We send....they go".  These missionaries are doing God's work on the field across the world.  We, as senders, have the ability to pray for them on a daily basis, asking God to protect them while they serve.  We can also support them emotionally through email, Facebook and letters.  It can be very hard for them as they are typically far from family and in a culture that is unfamiliar.  If they've just landed in their assignment, or if they've been on the missions field for 30 years, encouragement is always welcome, and many times needed.

If God is pressing upon your heart to be a financial partner for one of these missionaries, please visit their sponsoring organizations's website for more details.  Or you can contact the missionaries directly at the email addressed listed below.   Giving, in any form, is another way we can support these families as they take God's word to the nations and follow His command.

Vincent & Maryam Morgan

Danny & Janet Roten


Glenn & Linnea Boese


Motel & Deborah Baleston


Pam & Carl Campbell
