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Showing records 121 through 150.

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A Psalm of Messiah the Prince

9/14/2014 Ed Fleming  Psalm 2 

8/20/2017 Ed Fleming  Romans 3:21-26 

The Ascension of Jesus

6/1/2014 Ed Fleming  Acts 1:1-11 

The Priority of Group Praying Pt. 2

1/26/2014 Ed Fleming  Acts 4:23-25 

Resurrection - The Sequel

5/11/2014 Ed Fleming  1 Cor. 15:1, 58 

Ascension of Jesus Christ - A Day to Remember

4/21/2013 Ed Fleming   

True Christian Fellowship

1/21/2018 Ed Fleming  Philippians 1:5 

Hosanna to the King

4/14/2019 Gary Scott  Luke 19:28-42 

Wake Up! He is Risen

4/21/2019 Gary Scott  1st Corinthians 15:12-28 

What We Have Been Waiting For

7/28/2019 Gary Scott  Revelation 19 - 22 

The Battle for Truth

11/18/2018 Gary Scott  1st Timothy 3:13-16 

Defeating Sin

1/6/2019 Gary Scott  Luke 17:3-4 

Overflowing with Joy

10/13/2019 Gary Scott  Romans 15:1-11 

Your Words Matter

11/25/2018 Gary Scott  Ephesians 4:25-32 

Staging God's Love

1/13/2019 Gary Scott  1st John 4:1-21 

The Lordship and Priesthood of Jesus Christ

8/9/2020 Glenn Bertsch  Hebrews 

Part 2: Jesus set the example for Prayer

10/18/2020 Glenn Bertsch  Matthew 6:10-13 

Psalm 96

4/18/2021 Glenn Bertsch  Psalm 96 

Part 1:Jesus set the example for Prayer

10/11/2020 Glenn Bertsch  Matthew 6:5-13 

Unity like Mountain Dew? - The beauty of the Body in Unity

6/23/2013 John Bollten  Psalm 133 

Why Repentance?

3/20/2016 John Bollten  Matt.21:1-11; Luke 3:1-18 

I am the Resurrection and the Life

4/1/2018 John Bollten  John 20:1-23 

Go and be Reconciled

3/12/2017 John Bollten  Matthew 18 

The Church

8/3/2014 John Bollten  Acts 2:42-47 


1/22/2017 John Bollten  Romans 12:1-2 

Disputes - A Gateway to Unity

5/20/2018 John Bollten  Acts 15:1-35 

From Doubt to Decision

4/8/2018 John Bollten  John 20:24-31 

Abraham, Great Faith Demonstrated

4/6/2014 John Bollten  Gen. 22:1-14 

The Epilogue - Jesus' 3rd Appearance to the Disciples

4/15/2018 John Bollten  John 21:1-14 

Blessed are the Forgiven

7/29/2018 John Bollten  Psalm 32 

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Showing records 121 through 150.