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Showing records 181 through 210.

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We serve a God who works out His plans for our lives

7/18/2021 Pastor Josh Bertsch  Jonah 1:7-17 

What is our response to God's clear commands?

7/11/2021 Pastor Josh Bertsch  Jonah 1:1-6 

Introduction to the Book of Jonah

7/4/2021 Pastor Josh Bertsch  Jonah 

Jesus Heals a Blind Man

8/2/2015 Ed Fleming  John 9 

Blind Bartimaeus Receives His Sight

8/18/2019 Tom Newton  John 8:12 

Jesus the Light of the World

7/26/2015 Bob Conrad  John 8 

Rejecting the LIving Water

7/19/2015 Don Foose  John 7 

Jesus the Bread of Life

7/12/2015 John Bollten  John 6 

Pictures of Jesus in the Old Testamant

5/19/2013 Dean Bertsch  John 5:39; Luke 24:27 

Who is Jesus?

7/5/2015 Bob Conrad  John 5 

Acceptable Worship

6/29/2014 Bob Conrad  John 4:21-24 

Worship, A Way of Life - Pt. 1

2/10/2013 Dean Bertsch  John 4:21-24 


12/31/2017 Dean Bertsch  John 4:19-26 

Jesus the Saviour of the World

6/28/2015 Bob Conrad  John 4 

Born from Above

6/21/2015 Don Foose  John 3 

The Epilogue - Jesus' 3rd Appearance to the Disciples

4/15/2018 John Bollten  John 21:1-14 

Jesus calls Peter to follow Him Again

11/1/2015 Bob Conrad  John 21 

Introduction to the Gospel of John

5/31/2015 Ed Fleming  John 20:30-31 

From Doubt to Decision

4/8/2018 John Bollten  John 20:24-31 

I am the Resurrection and the Life

4/1/2018 John Bollten  John 20:1-23 

The Resurrection of Jesus and Appearances to His Disicples

10/25/2015 Don Foose  John 20 

Jesus' First Sign

6/14/2015 Ed Fleming  John 2 

The scourging and the Crucifixion of Jesus

10/18/2015 John Bollten  John 19 

Good Friday - God's Plan, Fulfilled in Christ

4/10/2020 Pastor Josh Bertsch  John 18:29 - 19:38 

Arrest and Trial of Jesus: What is Truth

10/11/2015 Don Foose  John 18 

The Glory of GOD

12/6/2015 Don Foose  John 17:1-5 

The Heart of God

10/4/2015 Bob Conrad  John 17 

Jesus' Final Prayer for All Believers

10/14/2018 Larry Theisen  John 17 

Does Jesus Care?

4/29/2018 Don Foose  John 16:1-33 

The Blessings of Abiding in Christ

9/13/2015 Ed Fleming  John 15 

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Showing records 181 through 210.