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The King has come and is on the Throne

6/27/2021 Pastor Gary Scott  Matthew 6:9-14 

God blesses us so that we can bless others to the Praise of His Glory

6/20/2021 Pastor Josh Bertsch  Psalm 67 

What do you do when it feels like God isn't......?

6/13/2021 Pastor Josh Bertsch  Psalm 13 

Is the Lord: the Good Shepherd, your Shepherd?

6/6/2021 Pastor Josh Bertsch  Psalm 23 

What has been done through your Salvation?

5/30/2021 Pastor Josh Bertsch  Ephesians 2:1-10 

Psalm 96

4/18/2021 Glenn Bertsch  Psalm 96 

What if Jesus had not risen from the Grave?

4/4/2021 Pastor Josh Bertsch  1st Corinthians 15 

Palm Sunday

3/28/2021 Pastor Josh Bertsch  Matthew 21:1-11 

Wherever you are God can use you!

3/7/2021 Pastor Brad Horne  Mark 2:1-5 

What is my mission as a Christian?

1/3/2021 Pastor Josh Bertsch  Matthew 28:18-20 

It is Well With My Soul

12/27/2020 Pastor Josh Bertsch  Various 

Part 2: Jesus set the example for Prayer

10/18/2020 Glenn Bertsch  Matthew 6:10-13 

Part 1:Jesus set the example for Prayer

10/11/2020 Glenn Bertsch  Matthew 6:5-13 

The Lordship and Priesthood of Jesus Christ

8/9/2020 Glenn Bertsch  Hebrews 

Where is God in difficult times: He is still in control.

8/2/2020 Pastor Josh Bertsch  Various 

The Certainty of God

3/22/2020 Pastor Josh Bertsch  Psalm 46 

Victorious Faith

2/16/2020 Rod Conner  Hebrews 11:29-30 

The Stone and His People

2/9/2020 Pastor Josh Bertsch  1 Peter 2:1-12 

The Blessed Man

2/2/2020 Pastor Josh Bertsch  Psalm 1 

Importance of God's Word

1/26/2020 Pastor Josh Bertsch  2 Timothy 3:10-17 

Qualification of Elders

1/19/2020 Pastor Josh Bertsch  1 Timothy 3:1-7 

The Parables of the Soils

1/12/2020 Pastor Josh Bertsch  Matthew 13:1-23 

A Christian's New Year's Resolution

1/5/2020 Pastor Josh Bertsch  Colossians 3:1-17 

Do You Expect the Redemption of the Lord?

12/29/2019 Larry Theisen  Luke 2:21-40 

Sunday School


Sunday School: Psalm 96 - Part 2

11/24/2019 Tom Newton  Psalm 96 Part 2 

What was the Lord Thankful for?

11/24/2019 Tom Newton  Matthew 11:25-27 

Wonderful Grace

11/17/2019 Rod Conner  Exodus 33:1-23 

Sunday School: Our Misunderstanding of Grace

11/17/2019 Rod Conner  Matthew 20:1-6 

Life from Death - God's Principle of Service

11/10/2019 Tom Newton  John 12:24 

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Showing records 1 through 30.