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Sunday School


The Christians's Response to Human Government

1/15/2017 Bob Conrad  Romans 13:1-8 

Finding hope and comfort in the return of Jesus

4/13/2014 Bob Conrad  1 Thess. 4:13 - 5:11 

Jesus the Coming King

4/9/2017 Bob Conrad  Matthew 21 

Eternal Life

3/26/2017 Bob Conrad  1st John 5:9-13 

God's Temple

1/3/2016 Bob Conrad  Haggai 

Not willing to Pay the Cost

1/20/2013 Bob Conrad  Mark 10:17-27 

Where we find strength and courage to obey God

8/10/2014 Bob Conrad  Joshua 1:1-9 

God's Instruction to His Church

4/27/2014 Bob Conrad  1 Thess. 5:12-18 

Marks of True Salvation

3/30/2014 Bob Conrad  1 Thess. 1:1-5 

Acceptable Worship

6/29/2014 Bob Conrad  John 4:21-24 

Paul accepts God's answer to his Prayer

8/31/2014 Bob Conrad  2 Cor. 12:7-10 


9/18/2016 Bob Conrad  Mark 9:28-29 

Call to Harrisburg

5/28/2017 Bob Conrad  Various 

Declaring God's Greatness

11/15/2015 Bob Conrad  1st Peter 2:9-10 

Only 2 Destination - Pt. 1 Eternal Judgment

8/18/2013 Bob Conrad  Revelation 20:11-15 

Jesus Builds His Church

8/4/2013 Bob Conrad  Matthew 16:19 

Christian Stewardship

6/16/2013 Bob Conrad  1 Corinthians 4:1-7 

To Live for Christ

12/1/2013 Bob Conrad  Phil. 1:12-26 

A Roll of Leadership in the Church Pt. 2 - What is the Ministry of the Church

4/28/2013 Bob Conrad  Ephesians 4:11-16 

Loss and Gain in Discipleship

1/27/2013 Bob Conrad  Mark 10:27-31 

Desiring God

10/2/2016 Bob Conrad  Psalm 63:1-4 and Various 

The Return of Jesus

12/11/2016 Bob Conrad  Various 

Call of Faith

6/30/2013 Bob Conrad  Gen. 12:1-9 

Some Reasons that Hard Things Happen to God's Children

11/30/2014 Bob Conrad  Various 

Making Sense of the Cross

3/25/2016 Bob Conrad  Isaiah 53 

The Word of like a hammer

9/28/2014 Carl Campbell  Jeremiah 23:28-29 

Christian Baptism

3/11/2018 Dean Berstch  Romans 6:1-4 

Overview of the Book of Revelation

12/17/2017 Dean Berstch  The Revelation 

Jesus Died for His People

12/18/2016 Dean Berstch  Matthew 1:21 

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