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Your Words Matter

11/25/2018 Gary Scott  Ephesians 4:25-32 


12/31/2017 Dean Bertsch  John 4:19-26 

Wonderful Grace

11/17/2019 Rod Conner  Exodus 33:1-23 

Why Repentance?

3/20/2016 John Bollten  Matt.21:1-11; Luke 3:1-18 

Who is Christ?

10/6/2019 Josh Bertsch  Colossians 1:15-23 

Wherever you are God can use you!

3/7/2021 Pastor Brad Horne  Mark 2:1-5 

Where we find strength and courage to obey God

8/10/2014 Bob Conrad  Joshua 1:1-9 

Where is God in difficult times: He is still in control.

8/2/2020 Pastor Josh Bertsch  Various 

What We Have Been Waiting For

7/28/2019 Gary Scott  Revelation 19 - 22 

What we expect of every member Pt. 3 - To be a Steward

2/23/2014 Don Foose  Various 

What We Expect of Every Member Pt. 2 - To be a Servant

2/16/2014 Don Foose  Various 

What we expect of every member Pt. 1 - To be a Student

2/2/2014 Don Foose  Various 

What was the Lord Thankful for?

11/24/2019 Tom Newton  Matthew 11:25-27 

What Must I do to Inherit Eternal Life?

10/7/2018 Pastor Mike McKnight  Marl 10:17-31 

What is my mission as a Christian?

1/3/2021 Pastor Josh Bertsch  Matthew 28:18-20 

What is Man? - Jesus Christ, the Exalted Man

10/20/2019 Rod Conner  Hebrews 2:5-9 

What if Jesus was one of Us?

12/29/2013 Keith Hartlaub  Matt. 4:1-11 

What if Jesus had not risen from the Grave?

4/4/2021 Pastor Josh Bertsch  1st Corinthians 15 

What if Jesus did not rise from the Dead?

4/20/2014 Ed Fleming  1 Cor. 15:12-20 

What has been done through your Salvation?

5/30/2021 Pastor Josh Bertsch  Ephesians 2:1-10 

What do you do when it feels like God isn't......?

6/13/2021 Pastor Josh Bertsch  Psalm 13 

Warning to the Nation

11/12/2017 John Bollten  Jeremiah 16 

Walking in Integrity with Christ Jesus our LORD

9/30/2018 Larry Theisen  Proverbs 20:7 

Wake Up! He is Risen

4/21/2019 Gary Scott  1st Corinthians 15:12-28 

Victorious Faith

2/16/2020 Rod Conner  Hebrews 11:29-30 

Urgent and Priority

9/7/2014 Ed Fleming  1 Peter 4:7-11 

Unity like Mountain Dew? - The beauty of the Body in Unity

6/23/2013 John Bollten  Psalm 133 

Unity in the Body

1/14/2018 John Bollten  Romans 12 

Union with Christ

3/9/2014 Dean Bertsch  Colossians 2:9-10 

Union with Christ

6/17/2018 Dean Bertsch  Colossians 2:8-9 

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Showing records 1 through 30.